
Mission Statement
At St. Mary’s Charleville Art Department, we strive to support and encourage each individual within the School Community to reach her full potential. Our goal is to teach artistic skills that allow students to express themselves through a variety of media whilst engaging with history, culture and their immediate environment.
Subject Aims
The aims of the Art Department relate directly to those of the School, and to the requirements of the Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle Curriculum as set out by the DES and NCCA. St. Mary’s Charleville Art Department fosters the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in the area of Art History and Studio Art Practices. We are committed to creating an atmosphere tolerant of diverse views in which personal direction, pertinent technical skills, and critical thinking may converge. Intellectual inquiry and aesthetic expression are pursued through a multidisciplinary curriculum. It is the department’s goal to develop the student’s ability to think critically, communicate effectively, gain competency with new technologies and to work cooperatively for the benefit of the school community.
 Subject Objectives
  • Encourage a student’s personal response to an idea or experience.
  • Work from imagination, memory and direct observation.
  • Use drawing for observation, recording and analysis as a means of thinking, communication and expression.
  • Use core two-dimensional processes in making, manipulating and developing imagery in expressive and communicative modes.
  • Use three-dimensional processes of additive, reductive, and constructional form making in expressive and functional modes.
  • Use and understand Art and Design principles and fundamentals.
  • Use a variety of materials, media, tools and equipment.
  • Use an appropriate working vocabulary.
  • Understand relevant scientific, mathematical and technological aspects of Art, Craft and Design.
  • Sustain projects from conception to realisation.
  • Students Appraise and evaluate their own work in progress and on completion.
  • Develop an awareness of the historical, social and economic role of Art, Craft and Design; including all aspects of contemporary culture and mass media.
  • Promote self-esteem and confidence in students by encouraging each stage of development.
  • Integrate ICT into as many schemes of work as possible.
  • Maintain our inclusivity as a department by catering for students with SENs, students with EAL and students who are advanced and gifted.
  • Actively engage with the national Literacy and Numeracy challenge by maintaining and developing a greater focus on the development of these aspects of learning through this subject.
  • Deliver a balanced art curriculum to all levels drawing on the established syllabi and thereby preparing all students adequately for state examinations.